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Macular Degeneration is a description that encompasses changes to the anatomy or integrity of the center of the retina. Commonly, this category of condition is described as "dry" or "wet".
Who gets Macular Degeneration?
Macular degeneration is formally called 'age-related macular degeneration' because it is diagnosed in people over 55 years of age. The age of onset is highly variable as is the severity. Caucasians are more likely do get this condition as are people of advanced age and smokers.
Does macular degeneration make you go blind?
The degree of visual impairment from macular degeneration is highly variable. People noted to have macular changes may have no visual impairment at all, but more severely affected people can have difficulty reading and distortions of vision. However, macular degeneration does not cause total blindness.
Can I influence my risks of getting macular degeneration?
Controlling risk factors and improving your overall health are helpful measures.
Stop or reduce smoking
Exercise and avoid obesity
Reduce cholesterol
Avoid ultraviolet (UV) light
If the ophthalmologist recommends, take a vitamin complex designed for macular degeneration
What are the symptoms of macular degeneration?
The symptoms can range from none to reduced or distorted central vision. Straight lines may seem curved or missing sections.
How is the diagnosis of macular degeneration made?
The diagnosis is made by the ophthalmologist on clinical examination. Supporting tests may include an ultrasound of the macula (OCT), photography of the macula and fluorescein angiography.
What is the difference between "Dry" and "Wet" macular degeneration?
These are descriptive terms and should not be weighted too heavily. Dry macular degeneration describes changes to the structure of the macula without the presence of fluid or blood. Wet macular degeneration describes the presence or effect of fluid or blood in the macula.
Which is the 'better' form?
One form is not better than the other. Wet macular degeneration was classically considered worse, but there are treatments for this form of the disease. There are no effective treatments for the dry variety .
Does macular degeneration always get worse?
Not necessarily. Some forms of this condition can progress and cause more significant visual compromise, but often the condition is stagnant and does not worsen. The key is monitoring the condition to detect progression as early as possible in case treatment is possible.
Can I monitor the condition myself?
While it is imperative to be followed by an ophthalmologist, an individual can monitor his or her own vision by checking the acuity regularly and using a grid or other linear target to check for distortion or missing areas.
How do you treat macular degeneration?